Thursday, October 30, 2008


Well my network connection died about half way through my Ubuntu download. I will have to wait untill tonight, when I go over to a friends house with reliable internet. I will be updating as this happens.

Ubuntu 8.10

I just wanted everyone to know that I am waiting patiantly for Ubuntu 8.10 to download. At this point it looks like it may be about three to five hours for my download and then I will update the blog.  

Friday, October 24, 2008

By far right now one of the biggest things in tech is the Android phone. Google developed this mobile phone operating system which is completely open source, meaning free to use and change. Now the first phone to use this OS, the G1, was released this month through T-Mobile. The handset was developed by HTC a company known for their smartphones. 

Well to make a long story short, with Android's openness and Apple's closed platform most will prefer the G1. On top of the G1, Apple's IPhone 3G has had bad reviews. In some places AT&T's 3G network is even reported to be slower than in it non-3G covered area. Add in the IPhone apps that seem to be crashing IPhones left and right and the king of phones may be dethroned very soon.
RIM is still in the running as well. With their new Blackberry Storm, a touch screen "IPhone-like"Blackberry and the new Bold(pictured below) with its higher resolution screen both will be very popular. Add in the new Pearl Flip and RIM's new line of next gen smartphones is very exciting. 
In closing, even with the low economy I think this holiday season is going to be a big one for phone companies and for us TechDrifters.