Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Windows 7 Pre-Beta!

As promised I am staying up to date on the window 7 news. In fact I have managed to get my hands on the pre-beta release that was leaked from the Professional developers confrence. So far I have installed it as easily as Vista. I also downloaded the unlock feature to unlock the spiffy new taskbar.

I will admit it looks a lot like vista with a few tweaks here and there. All of the security and backup features are all in the new window solution center.  Many of the complicated Vista settings have been simplified. There are some really simple and nice Aero features. Also there are no more icons cluttering the system tray. They all run in the background.

After using Windows 7 for a few hours I noticed it runs just as fast as Vista on my laptop. Now I have 4GB of ram and a dual core proseccor in my laptop so this could be why they run the same. I will say this much Windows 7 boots faster than Vista.

I will be doing some Virtual PC tests soon and I will see how far I can push this pre-beta.