Friday, April 17, 2009

Ubuntu 9.04

I am not going to make as big a deal about this release as I did 8.10. I will however go over some of the new features they are releasing. 9.04 includes the latest GNOME 2.26 desktop environment. New features including Brasero, an all in one CD burning software, also included is better support for multiple monitors, new more stylized notifications, and better boot performance. To see all of the new features including those in the server edition check here.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ever wonder what happens to your old computer when you toss it out on the curb. E-Waste as it is called is the newest form of recyclable waste. Now it's not as easy as tossing it in a recycling bin, but you could actually earn some cash or credit towards an upgraded device. There are a few websites that you can take a look at. 

Techforward is a sight that offers a guaranteed buy back plan on newly purchased items from select retailers. They essentially give you a buy back serial number and when you are ready to trade in your purchase you go to their site and put in your serial number and they send you a package to ship your devise back and then you get your check in the mail. Pretty simple but you have to sign up within thirty days of when you purchase the device.

Nextworth will recycle your tech products for cash, but will only pay for working products. The list includes Apple IPod products including IPhone, video game consoles and games, cameras, Blackberry smart phones and GPS units

ecoNEW is another company that will recycle your e-waste. This company only offers gift cards to its limited list of retailers. It does however take in computers and monitors. They will also take in your e-waste even if you are not eligible for a reward.

As of right now there is not a specific recycling service for e-waste like there is for paper, plastic, and metal. Valiant, a New york technology solutions provider, is hosting The 4th Bin, a contest to design the logo and collection bin for e-waste for New York City and hopefully the whole country.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Aeromodeller II

Anyone who knows me, knows that I have an infatuation with airships or zeppelins. I have even been working on my own future plans to build my own. So in any case this story really peaked
my interest. The AeromodellerII is a zeppelin that can stay in the air without ever having to refuel. It basically creates its own fuel from water it brings along and rain water it collects. It is very fascinating. As most of these amazing inventions go it is just in the works, but could end up being like a luxury cruse in the sky. Check out the full story over at Low-tech Magazine.

Greener Low Tech

I have suddenly had an awakening to the environment and it's relationship to technology. So therefore I will be doing more stories on "green" technology. To start I highly recommend and Low-Tech Magazine. I plan on trying to toss in some how to's on solar and wind power and also some energy saving tips which with the global economy and all, I am sure we could all use.

I'm back!

I am back from another long hiatus. Just thought i would let any of my readers know before I start posting again.