Monday, April 13, 2009

The Aeromodeller II

Anyone who knows me, knows that I have an infatuation with airships or zeppelins. I have even been working on my own future plans to build my own. So in any case this story really peaked
my interest. The AeromodellerII is a zeppelin that can stay in the air without ever having to refuel. It basically creates its own fuel from water it brings along and rain water it collects. It is very fascinating. As most of these amazing inventions go it is just in the works, but could end up being like a luxury cruse in the sky. Check out the full story over at Low-tech Magazine.


Anonymous said...

you sir have been stumbled

Anonymous said...

Um, I feel like I know you quite well and I had no idea you had such a facination with airships and zepplins.